- No autofocus
- No zoom lenses
- No macro lenses
- No video recording capability
In preparation of buying this camera, I've also purchased the Panasonic-Leica 25mm Summilux f/1.4 lens. A perfect match for the camera and my site ;-) At least this blog post won't seem completely out of place now. People have been complaining about how smaller sensor cameras won't have the same shallow depth of field of a full frame sensor. With this lens on the OM-D, I can get a 35mm-equivalent of 50mm f/2.8, which is not bad at all.
The kit I bought also came with the Olympus M. Zuiko 12-50mm zoom lens that is weather-proof and doubles as a macro lens. Since the body is also weather-proof, the combination should prove to be very useful in a few days when I take my son to a birthday party in a water park. Also part of the kit, was the add-on grip and optional extra battery extender/holder. The grip is a must-have because it makes the camera so easy to hold and improve ergonomics greatly.
Most importantly, the image quality is also great, which makes this camera a real winner. I probably won't be writing much about this camera in the future, since, after all, this is a blog for my Leica M9. However, I'll be sure to include pictures from it in the gallery when we take more trips!