Well, just bought an used one from a forum member and it arrived about a week ago. So, I've been shooting with it exclusively and found it to be excellent. With its maximum aperture at f/2.8, you really need to make sure you have good lights indoor or at night, but I already knew that from shooting with the 28mm Elmarit-M ASPH. However, during the day, this lens really is amazing.
I have not shot with anything longer than 50mm before, and I must say, 90mm could become my second favorite focal length (I still love 50mm the best). The combined reach and the ease of separating the subject from the background, I can see why many prefer this focal length for portraits. I found framing and composing with the 90mm frameline to be very natural and my 1.4X magnifier makes focusing a breeze.
Well, here are just some of the shots from the past week, and so far I'm really enjoying the way this lens renders.